English is the official language of the EAC2025. No simultaneous translation is provided.

Lecce follows UTC/GMT +2 hours during the summer period.

The electrical power supply voltage in Lecce is: 220-240 Volts (50Hz).


Emergency Telephone Numbers
European Emergency number 112
State Police 113
Fire Department 115
Health emergency (ambulance) 118


Banking & Currency Exchange
Euro (€) is the official currency of Italy.

The beginning of September in Lecce is quite warm both during the day and during the night. According to the historical measurements of the Environmental-Climate Observatory (ECO, ACTRIS network) of ISAC-CNR in Lecce, the average daily temperature expected during the week of EAC2025 is approximately 24°C, with daily maximum hourly values around 28 °C and nocturnal minimum values around 20 °C.

Temperature in Lecce during August and September for different years.


In restaurants, hotels, taxis or other services, tipping is optional, and customized per case, depending on whether you are pleased with the service. Approximately 5% of the bill is a good guideline.

Liability and Insurance

Registration fees do not include participants’ insurance against personal accidents, sickness and cancellations by any party, theft, loss or damage to personal possessions. Participants are requested to make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.

Visa Requirements/Letter of Invitation

Visa regulations depend on your nationality and country of origin. Please contact your local Embassy/Consulate for full and official instructions on the specific visa regulations and application procedures that apply to you. It is the responsibility of the participant to obtain a Visa, if required. Individuals requiring an official Letter of Invitation, or need any information regarding Visa procedures can contact the Conference Secretariat ( The Letter of Invitation does not financially obligate the Congress Organizers in any way. The Letter of Invitation will be sent only upon completion of registration and payment.

Phishing Awareness

You are strongly advised to be alert for unauthorized agents who may contact you directly by email or phone, offering their services. IAS and its Conference Secretariat is the only official contact for the EAC2025 Conference.