The subtopics of EAC2025 are those of the EAA Working Groups and listed below.
Authors are welcome to submit their abstracts under any of the subtopic or any of the special sessions.


WG1 – Aerosol Technology
Chair: Georgios Kelesidis
Co-Chair: Luewton Lemos F. Agostinho
Andreas Guentner
Georgia Kastrinaki
Mohsen Kazemimanesh
Anne Maisser
Ismael Ortega
Timothy Sipkens
Una Trivanovic
Vasiliki Tsikourkitoudi
Michal Voitisek-Lom
Subtopic: 1.1  Synthesis, structuring and applications of functional nanoparticles
1.2  Nanoparticle surface modification, deposition and thin film formation
1.3  Process analysis and monitoring
1.4  Transportation aerosol emissions and control technologies combustion aerosols from vehicles, airplanes and ships
1.5  Electrical effects including electrosprays and electric discharges
1.6  High temperature aerosols and biomass combustion
1.7  Filtration for functional materials, combustion and industrial aerosols
1.8  Aerosol and emissions standards
WG2 – Atmospheric Aerosol Studies
Chair: Daniele Contini
Co-Chair: James Allan
Luca Ferrero
Silvia Henning
Christopher Kampf
Ana Kroflič
Jack Lin
Tuomo Nieminen
André Prevot
Julia Schmale
Roland Schrödner




2.1  Aerosols and clouds in polar regions
2.2  Aerosol-cloud-interaction, ice nucleation and role in climate feedback
2.3  New particle formation
2.4  Homogeneous, heterogeneous and multiphase chemistry, secondary aerosols
2.5  Transport of atmospheric aerosols, modelling and climate forcing
2.6  Molecular characterization of atmospheric aerosols
2.7  Chemical characterization of carbonaceous aerosols
2.8  Source apportionment of atmospheric aerosols
2.9  Aerosol optical properties and atmospheric light absorption
2.10  Physico-chemical properties of atmospheric aerosols
WG3 – Aerosol Measurement Techniques
Chair: Christof Asbach
Co-Chair: Oliver Bischof
David Green
Andreas Held
Attila Nagy
Martin Rigler
Subtopic: 3.1  Instrument and sampler calibration and performance evaluation
3.2  Instrumentation for physical aerosol characterization
3.3  Instrumentation for chemical aerosol characterization
3.4  Instrumentation for biological aerosol characterization
3.5  Novel measurement principles and new instrumentation
3.6  Miniaturized and low cost instrumentation
3.7  Comparison of different measurement methods
3.8  Measurement techniques for combustion aerosols
3.9  Implementation of existing measurement methods and instruments for novel studies
3.10  Interpretation of data
WG4 – Aerosols and Health
Chair: Mar Viana
Co-Chair: Daniela Cesari
Marianna Conte
Evangelia Diapouli
Maurizio Gualtieri
Christina Isaxon
Marjut Roponen
Aneta Wierzbicka
Subtopic: 4.1  Exposure: sources, levels and assessment techniques
4.2  Human exposure and health studies
4.3  Health-relevant aerosols and their characteristics
4.4  Bioaerosols and allergens
4.5  Biological and toxicological responses
4.6  Health effects of aerosols
4.7  Medical and therapeutic applications
4.8  Respiratory tract uptake, translocation and clearance
4.9  Exposure in specific microenvironments
4.10  Occupational exposures
WG5 – Basic Aerosol Processes
Chair: Eirini Goudeli
Co-Chair: Dina Alfaouri
Siddarth Parameswaran Iver
Jeanne Malet
Nanna Myllys
Ivo Neefjes
Bernadette Rosati
Subtopic: 5.1  Smog chamber and flowtube simulations and experiments
5.2  Quantum chemical calculation of aerosol formation and gas-phase kinetics
5.3  Molecular dynamics
5.4  Nucleation and growth
5.5  Aerosol growth and evaporation, agglomeration, fragmentation, material synthesis and filtration
5.6  Aerosol-surface interactions, coatings, and deposition
5.7  Aerosol transport properties and fluid dynamics
5.8  Aerosol optical properties
5.9  Data science in aerosol research
5.10  Modeling and experiments of bioaerosol emission, mixing, dispersion, survival, activity, and pathogenicity
5.11  Advanced detection and analysis techniques of primary biological aerosols